We seek to provide intense “greenhouse type” cross-cultural experiences that are aimed at furthering this experience in the lives of Christians.
Vida Missions is dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) of making disciples of all nations. As a ministry our calling is to “all nations”. We believe that discipleship is a life-long process of dying to ourselves that allows us to begin looking and acting more and more like the Master, Jesus Christ.
Your youth will experience God in a new and more intimate way. We want them to be able to say upon their return “I feel more connected to God after Vida Missions!”
Your youth will see the world through different eyes because they have rubbed shoulders with another culture. We want them to able to say upon their return “Wow, I am part of something much larger than I ever imagined!”.
Your group will be challenged to be involved in things that are outside of what they would normally consider their “comfort zone”. We want them to be able to say “I did things that I thought I would never do during my experience with Vida Missions!”.
The Vida Missions program is made up of hands-on experiences. There are many adventure experiences that make up our program and each “adventure” experience has three main elements to it:
How it Works
El Entrenamiento
(The Training)
The first few days are spent in a training time for your team. This training will be held in a camp/hotel facility within driving distance of an international airport.
This is a time for the Holy Spirit to speak profoundly. We know that you, as a leader, will walk away from this time enriched and encouraged by the growth you will see in your youth.
This training will include:
teaching sessions preparing your group mentally and spiritually, passionate worship, training in the arts (learning a specific drama to present on the streets), preparing Kids Club activities, as well as other special ministry skills such as house to house prayer and servant evangelism.
La Cruzada
(The Outreach)
For the middle of the trip, we will use our experience in missions and working with youth to design an outreach specific to an area of Central America. Vida Missions works with a network of over 150 different churches and ministries in Central America.
If you have a special interest in a specific church or ministry, please let our Vida Missions staff know so we can customize your experience. Your outreach ministries are generally made up with activities and adventures. We also ask for flexibility as we design your outreach.
Through outreach, your group will have the opportunity to develop cross-cultural relationships and see God working in new ways.
Life Changing Outreach Opportunities:
Church Services
Children’s Ministry
Service Projects
House to House Prayer
Prayer Walks
Servant Evangelism
Street Evangelism
The formula with which we prefer to work with is a mix of four core activities:
40% Service Projects
25% Children’s Ministry
25% Various types of evangelism
10% Other misc. ministry opportunities (all ministry is coordinated with the local church)
La Excursión
(The Excursion)
Your last day will be spent enjoying a touristy part of the country you’re involved in. We will plan for your group a day filled with fun activities. This is included as part of the package.
We want to be certain that your group also gets a chance to experience God’s awesome beauty in Central America.
DeLynn Hoover
Vida Missions Founder
“Vida Missions’ goal is to see youth helped out of their comfort zone and brought to a place of more commitment to Christ and to the church, local and global. I found in the years that I spent as a youth pastor, that the times we spent on mission trips, using this type of model, were some of the most life-changing experiences in the lives of my youth.
There is something wonderful that happens when youth get out of their routine and take time out to be together and to serve their Heavenly Father. The idea of including formal spiritual and ministry training with service and evangelism is a relatively new one and may seem strange at first glance, but I would like to encourage you to give it a chance and see if it would be effective in the lives of your youth.”